Water Well and Filters for Needy Families in Siem Reap

We would like to thank Mrs. Marie J Ung and Mrs. Dang Kim Hong for their generous donation to provide a water well and 6 water filters for some needy families in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. We appreciate their kindness and generosity. May God bless them all


Food for 10 Needy Families in Siem Reap Province

I am very impressed with Erick’s sacrifice in donating $500 to the needy people in Cambodia. $200 of that donation provided food supplies for 10 needy families and $300 will go to help Cambodian students. Erick follows in his father’s footsteps. His beloved father was very kind and sacrificed much to the Cambodian people. He built houses for them, provided tuition to college students, provided school supplies for students, and simply loved Cambodian people. After his father died, while he was still very young, I would take Erick to Cambodia and teach him to do charity work among my people. I would also teach him about how wonderful his father was. May God bless you throughout your entire life. I love you always ❤️
ម៉ាក់សូមកោតសរសើរកូនអែរិកយ៉ាងខ្លាំងដោយកូនបានបរិច្ចាគថវិការ $500 និងលះបង់ពេលវេលានិងបំរើហើយដើម្បីជួយអ្នកដទៃ ម៉ាក់បានបង្រៀនអោយកូនចេះស្រឡាញ់បងប្អូននិងគោរពស្រឡាញ់អ្នកដទៃនិងចែករំលែកទៅដល់អ្នកណាដែលកំពង់តែត្រូវការជំនួយពីយើង ហើយត្រូវមានភាពស្មោះត្រង់ ហើយត្រូវចេះដឹងគុណទៅដល់អ្នកណាដែលគេធ្លាប់មានគុណចំពោះយើង ហើយបើជួយគេហើយកុំចង់បានអ្វីពីគេនោះអោយសោះ ទើបកូនមានពរជយ័និងសេចក្តីសុខនៅក្នុងជីវិត ម៉ាក់សប្បាយចិត្តខ្លាំងណាស់ដោយកូនបានដើរតាមកន្លងធម៍និងគំរូល្អរបស់ប៉ាកូន ម៉ាក់សោកស្តាយណាស់ដោយប៉ារបស់កូនបានលាចាកលោកទៅ ប៉ុន្តែម៉ាក់ដឹងថាព្រលឹងវិញាណប៉ារបស់កូននិងតាមមើលថែកូនរហូត សូមអោយកូនមានជោគជយ័និងសប្បាយរីករាយនៅក្នុងជីវិតនិងសូមព្រះប្រទានពរជយ័ដល់កូន៕ ម៉ាក់ស្រឡាញ់កូនរហូត❤️

Food for 550 Families Suffering Due To Covid

We would like to thank Sister Gray and Sister Manwaring of the Raleigh NC South Stake who recommended that we appeal to LDS Charities (LDSC), a separate department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to provide aid for Cambodians desperate for food due to COVID lockdowns and flooding in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. We especially want to thank the LDSC organization for accepting our appeal and for their generous donation of food supplies for 550 families in 11 villages in Siem Reap Province. We greatly appreciate all who worked with us, especially Elissa McConkie, Brett and Kimie Dandoy, and a handful of interpreters and LDSC staff who still remain unknown to us, to guide us through the process of qualifying for and arranging distribution of the aid being provided. We greatly appreciate all your patience and dedication to this cause. We know that the recipients of this aid will be even more grateful and appreciative – it will possibly save some of their lives. God bless all of you for working with us throughout the process of arranging this desperately needed aid and for blessing our Cambodian brothers and sisters with that aid!!

ពួកយើងសូមថ្លែងអំណរអរគុណសមាគមនិកាយសាសនាចក្រនៃ ព្រះយេស៊ូគ្រីស្ទ នៃពួកបរិសុទ្ធថ្ងៃចុងក្រោយនូវអំណោយចំនួន៥៥០គ្រួសារចែកជូនប្រជាជនក្រីក្រចំនួន១១ភូមិខេត្តសៀមរាប ហើយខ្ញុំសូមអរគុណសមាជិកសមាគម LFF ម៉ន លិ និង សួនសុីណាត និងគ្រប់ៗគ្នាដែលបានខំប្រឹងធ្វើការងារយ៉ាងខ្លាំងដោយមិនខ្លាចនឿយ



ទី១. ភូមិជ្រៃ ឃុំកៀនសង្កែ 11/13/2021

ទី២. ភូមិពង្រ សង្កាត់ កន្ទ្រាំង 11/14/2021

ទី៣. ភូមិបាឡាំង សង្កាត់បាឡាំង 11/14/2021

ទី៤. ភូមិលលៃ ឃុំបាគង 11/15/2021

ទី៥. ភូុមិខ្នាត ឃុំខ្នាត 11/15/2021

ទី៦. ភូមិគោកត្រាច ឃុំខ្នាត 11/15/2021

ទី7. ភូមិជ័យ សង្កាត់ទឹកវិល 11/16/2021

ទី8. ភូមិស្រងែ សង្កាត់ស្រងែ 11/16/2021

ទី9. ភូមិធ្លុកអណ្ដូង សង្កាត់ស្លក្រាម 11/17/2021

ទី10. ភូមិត្រពាំងសេះ សង្កាត់គោកចក11/17/22021

ទី11. ភូមិវាល សង្កាត់គោកចក 11/17/2021

Food for 50 Families in Chrey Village

We would like to thank Employees of Costco # 1124 very much from the bottom of our hearts for their generous donation of $1,000 that provided food supplies for 50 needy families in Chrey Village, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. This is a critical time to provide food for the poor in Cambodia because the entire country was shut down for awhile due to Covid and many became desperate for food during that time. Now they are free to leave their homes but are suffering due to severe flooding in the province and are still desperate for food. We greatly appreciate anything anyone can do to help feed these people at this time. Thank you so much and may God bless you all and your families

Food and Water Filters for 35 Families in Phoum Lor Ley

We would like to thank Mr. Mark Sullivan and his wife Mrs. Susan Pollack very much for their generous donation of $1,000.

$700 for food supplies for 35 needy families in Phoum Lor Ley, Siem Reap Province.

$300 for a water well and water filters. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. May God bless you and your family

យើងខ្ញុំសូមថ្លែងអំណរអរគុណយ៉ាងខ្លាំងចំពោះលោក ម៉ាក សុលលីវ៉ាន និងភរិយា ស៊ូសាន ផូលេខ ដែលបានបរិច្ចាកថវិការចំនួន$1,000

ទិញម្ហូបចែកប្រជាជនក្រីក្រ ៣៥គ្រួសារ

និង$300 ធ្វើអណ្តូងទឹកនិងលុយមួយចំនួនសម្រាប់ទិញធុងចម្រោះ សូមព្រះប្រទានពរលោកនិងស្រីព្រមទាំងក្រុមគ្រួសារ

Water Well and Filters for Needy Families in Siem Reap

We, the Board Members of Ladies First Foundation, would like to thank Angkor Association(សមាគម អង្គរ)for their generous donation of $250 to provide a Water Well and water filters to needy families at Phoum Khvean Sangkat Kok Chark, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. We appreciate your generosity and kindness very much. May God bless you all

Food for 25 Needy Families in Siem Reap

We the Board Members of Ladies First Foundation would like to thank Mrs. Gwen Wilcox and her family from the bottom of our hearts for their generous donation of $500 to provide food supplies for 25 needy families in Bonteay Srey Village, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. We appreciate your generosity and kindness very much. May God bless you and your family.

Water Well and Filters for Needy Families

We the Board Members of Ladies First Foundation would like to thank Mrs. Somaly Roeum and her family from the bottom of our hearts for their generous donation of $250 to provide a Water Well and water filters to needy families at Phoum Chey, Tekvil Village, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. We appreciate your generosity and kindness very much. May God bless you and your family.

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