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Message from the president - Your gift will help provide healthy meals and clean water, school supplies & hope to millions of needy families and kids in Cambodia. Thank you! - Updated 6/25/2024.

Kolab Tyssens

At this time, Ladies First Foundation is asking all supporters, who are able, to help with the construction of a Reservoir to serve the people of Sleng Chour Village, Battambang Province. The current reservoir, which is the only nearby source of water for the people of the village as well as for all 50 students of Sleng Chour Elementary School, is little more than a mud-hole full of weeds. Our plan, whenever adequate funding is available, is to remove the weeds from the old reservoir and then dig it deeper to retain more water. Such an operation, which we have completed successfully in another village, will require a fair amount of manpower along with the use of heavy equipment. Please do what you can to help us provide easily accessible water to this community. Thank you!

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Food for Needy Families

We would like to thank Mrs. Chanthoeurn Thornton for providing food supplies and toys for the victims family. We appreciate very much for her kindness and support throughout the year. May God bless her and her family  

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